Series 1 - Star Wars Fighter Pods
__ 1-1 Sandtrooper (gun up)
__ 1-2 Han Solo Carbonite
__ 1-3 Jango (2 pistols down)
__ 1-4 Sandtrooper (big rifle)
__ 1-5 Bossk
__ 1-6 Snowtrooper (gun down)
__ 1-7 Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
__ 1-8 Padme Amidala (arena)
__ 1-9 Jek Porkins
__ 1-10 Darth Vader (unmasked)
__ 1-11 Jabba the Hutt
__ 1-12 Boba Fett (wrist)
__ 1-13 Clone Trooper (Episode III, gun down)
__ 1-14 Clone Pilot (pistols)
__ 1-15 Snowtrooper (gun up)
__ 1-16 Emperor Palpatine (force hands)
__ 1-17 R2-D2 (standing straight, 2 legs)
__ 1-19 Lando Calrissian (bespin)
__ 1-20 Commander Cody (pointing gun)
__ 1-21 Imperial Guard (hands on staff)
__ 1-22 Stormtrooper (kneeling)
__ 1-23 Aayla Secura (saber down)
__ 1-24 Clone Trooper (pointing gun)
__ 1-25 Snowtrooper (big rifle)
__ 1-26 Chewbacca (running?)
__ 1-27 Obi-Wan-Kenobi (TPM saber up)
__ 1-28 TIE Pilot (fist)
__ 1-29 Jango Fett (pointing gun)
__ 1-30 R2-D2 (tilted)
__ 1-31 Darth Vader (force wave) EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 1-32 Boba Fett (gun down) EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 1-33 Clone Trooper (blaster) EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 1-34 Yoda (force gesture) EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 1-35 Chewbacca (wrench) EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 1-36 Stormtrooper EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 1-37 Chewbacca (crossbow) EXCLUSIVE to Millennium Falcon 8 Pack
__ 1-38 C-3PO (hand out) EXCLUSIVE to Millennium Falcon 8 Pack
__ 1-39 Darth Maul (double saber) EXCLUSIVE to Sith Infiltrator 8 pack
__ 1-40 Qui-Gon Jinn (saber/force wave) EXCLUSIVE to Sith Infiltrator 8 pack
__ 1-41 Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars) EXCLUSIVE Starfighter 12 pack
__ 1-42 Captain Rex (pistols) EXCLUSIVE Starfighter 12 pack
__ 1-43 Luke Skywalker (stormtrooper) EXCLUSIVE Falcon 12 pack
__ 1-44 Han Solo (stormtrooper) EXCLUSIVE Falcon 12 pack
__ 1-45 Darth Vader (saber swing) EXCLUSIVE Hoth 16 pack
__ 1-46 Snowtrooper (pointing gun) EXCLUSIVE Hoth 16 pack
__ 1-47 Han Solo (hoth) EXCLUSIVE Hoth 16 pack
__ 1-48 Yoda (hands on cane) EXCLUSIVE Hoth 16 pack
Series 2 - Star Wars Fighter Pods
__ 2-1 Darth Vader Hologram (right hand raised)
__ 2-2 Yoda Hologram (right hand raised)
__ 2-3 Aayla Secura Hologram
__ 2-4 Darth Maul Hologram
__ 2-5 Emperor Palpatine Hologram
__ 2-6 Kit Fisto Hologram
__ 2-7 Qui-Gon Jinn Hologram
__ 2-8 Jar Jar Binks
__ 2-9 General Grievous
__ 2-10 Probe Droid
__ 2-11 Cad Bane (silver gun variant)
__ 2-11 Cad Bane (black gun variant)
__ 2-12 AT-AT Pilot
__ 2-13 ARF Trooper (white)
__ 2-14 Commander Neyo
__ 2-15 Yoda (lightsaber)
__ 2-16 Luke Skywalker (white farmboy outfit)
__ 2-17 Han Solo (Bespin outfit)
__ 2-18 Shadow Guard
__ 2-19 Sandtrooper Commander (white pauldron)
__ 2-20 R4-P17
__ 2-21 TC-14
__ 2-22 Clone Commander Fil (checklist misidentifies as Coruscant Guard)
__ 2-23 Clone Trooper Commander (yellow stripes)
__ 2-24 Clone Pilot Goji
__ 2-25 Clone Trooper Denal
__ 2-26 Shadowtrooper
__ 2-27 Boba Fettt (white concept figure)
__ 2-28 Shock Trooper
__ 2-29 Coruscant Guard (checklist misidentifies as Clone Commander Fil)
__ 2-30 Count Dooku EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 2-31 Clone Trooper (helmet off) EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 2-32 Mace Windu EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 2-33 Tusken Raider EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 2-34 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 2-35 MagnaGuard (grey body, cream cloak) EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 2-36 Darth Vader (left hand waving, right hand lightsaber) EXCLUSIVE to Imperial Shuttle 8 Pack
__ 2-37 Grand Moff Tarkin EXCLUSIVE to Imperial Shuttle 8 Pack
__ 2-38 Luke Skywalker (X-wing Pilot with Lightsaber) EXCLUSIVE to X-wing Fighter 8 Pack
__ 2-39 Princess Leia Organa EXCLUSIVE to X-wing Fighter 8 Pack
__ 2-40 Cad Bane (Clone Trooper Denal disguise) EXCLUSIVE to BARC Speeder Bike and Pirate Speeder Bike 12 Pack
__ 2-41 Clone Trooper (long rifle) EXCLUSIVE to BARC Speeder Bike and Pirate Speeder Bike 12 Pack
__ 2-42 Clone Pilot (blue details) EXCLUSIVE to Republic Attack Dropship 12 Pack
__ 2-43 Clone Pilot (blue details) EXCLUSIVE to Republic Attack Dropship 12 Pack
Series 3 - Star Wars Fighter Pods Rampage
__ 3-1 Luke Skywalker (Jedi) Hologram
__ 3-2 Mace Windu Hologram
__ 3-3 Count Dooku Hologram
__ 3-4 Cad Bane Hologram
__ 3-5 Obi-Wan Kenobi Hologram
__ 3-6 Jabba the Hutt Hologram
__ 3-7 Darth Vader (left hand raised, right hand lightsaber) Hologram
__ 3-8 Yoda (lightsaber) Hologram
__ 3-9 Clone Commander Cody Hologram
__ 3-10 Anakin Skywalker Hologram
__ 3-11 Princess Leia Hologram
__ 3-12 Grand Moff Tarkin Hologram
__ 3-13 Captain Rex Hologram
__ 3-14 Ahsoka
__ 3-15 Biggs Darklighter
__ 3-16 Aurra Sing
__ 3-17 Han Solo Skiff Escape
__ 3-18 General Veers
__ 3-19 Princess Leia Boushh Disguise
__ 3-20 Darth Maul Cybernetic Legs
__ 3-21 Savage Opress
__ 3-22 K-3PO
__ 3-23 Magnaguard (cream robot, cream cloak)
__ 3-24 Kamino ARF Trooper
__ 3-25 R3-S6
__ 3-26 R7-D4
__ 3-27 Clone Commander Gree
__ 3-28 Clone Trooper Sergeant
__ 3-29 Super Battle Droid EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 3-30 Luke Skywalker Endor EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 3-31 Wicket W. Warrick EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 3-32 Scout Trooper EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 3-33 Jawa EXCLUSIVE (blind 2-packs)
__ 3-34 TIE Pilot EXCLUSIVE to X-wing Fighter vs. TIE Fighter Pack
__ 3-35 Luke Skywalker EXCLUSIVE to X-wing Fighter vs. TIE Fighter Pack
__ 3-36 TIE Pilot EXCLUSIVE to X-wing Fighter vs. TIE Fighter Pack
__ 3-37 Wedge Antilles EXCLUSIVE to X-wing Fighter vs. TIE Fighter Pack
__ 3-38 Darth Maul EXCLUSIVE to Naboo Starfighter 8 Pack
__ 3-39 Anakin Skywalker EXCLUSIVE to Naboo Starfighter 8 Pack
Fun facts:
- All figures are distributed randomly unless otherwise noted as "EXCLUSIVE" to a specific set. For example, you will only find the Series 1 C-3PO in a Millennium Falcon 8-pack, but you may find Jek Porkins in any possible Series 1 release from the Costco Gift Set to the Millennium Falcon packs to the blind bags.
- There are 3 series of figures so far.
- There is only 1 known variant, Cad Bane, to date.
- 3-28 Clone Trooper Sergeant is colored differently from the picture in the catalog. The catalog is a dark, almost brownish green. The released figure is a bright, almost highlighter color.
Last updated September 8, 2012.
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